Pole work/Jumping with Mike Cairns!

YDRC Club Field York and District Riding Club, York

latwork with poles or Jump clinic with Mike Cairns Wednesday  10th July 2024 @ YDRC Club field arena Starting @ 10.30 AM Group sessions maximum of 3 per group for […]

Pole Work/Jumping with Mike Cairns!

YDRC Club Field York and District Riding Club, York

Flatwork with poles or Jump clinic with Mike Cairns 20th July 2024 @ YDRC Club field arena Starting @ 12 midday Group sessions maximum of 3 per group for 1 […]

Clear Round Show Jumping

YDRC Club Field York and District Riding Club, York

Join us at our very own club field to jump a clear round of any height you would like. Remember to bring some change to enjoy a coffee/cake from our […]

Saturday Series Dressage

YDRC Club Field York and District Riding Club, York

The first of the 2024 ‘Saturday Series’ Dressage started on the 6th April. This event will be on the first Saturday of Each month until August, with the championship being […]

Clear Round Show Jumping

YDRC Club Field York and District Riding Club, York

Join us at our very own club field to jump a clear round of any height you would like. Remember to bring some change to enjoy a coffee/cake from our […]

Dressage Social – Learn About the New BD Tests!

YDRC Club Field York and District Riding Club, York

NEW BD TESTS?! WHAT WILL THE JUDGE BE LOOKING FOR? Drinks, snacks and cake included. Come along and learn from Sue Joy - List 3 judge.  We will analyse and […]

Saturday Series Dressage CHAMPIONSHIP

YDRC Club Field York and District Riding Club, York

The first of the 2024 ‘Saturday Series’ Dressage started on the 6th April. This event will be on the first Saturday of Each month until August, with the championship being […]